What is Miami County Living Free?
Miami County Living Free is a grassroots community ministry.
It serves as a catalyst to bring together all aspects of a rural county
It serves as a catalyst to bring together all aspects of a rural county
including churches, business, judicial and law enforcement for the common cause
of ministering to individuals and families who have experienced addictions or life-controlling challenges.
Life Controlling challenges fall into three categories:
1. Substance – Drugs, alcohol, food, prescription medications.
2. Behavior – Gambling, pornography, outbursts of anger, etc.
3. Relationships – Co-dependent, unhealthy relationships.
For more information call 765-469-3673.

A life-controlling problem is anything that masters our lives.
Living Free is community churches working together with the goal of serving the community and bringing hope to everyone who needs recovery, as well as serving the entire family.
We want to help with referrals, develop relationships, help families re-align, and help program graduates and ex-offenders to re-establish in the community as a Christian!
We have a strategy that begins with a life-plan of Recovery based on five components of recovery so that everyone has a hope and a future!
And we move toward life-groups of discipleship not an academic class but a relational group, with prepared group member guides providing encouragement, accountability and the
Word of God for discipleship!

The Five Components
of Recovery
Only you can make the decision to change!
See Joshua 24:15
Positive Peer Choice
Surround yourself with people who are serious about your life-change!
See Psalm 1:1
Hold yourself accountable for your actions and decisions.
See Romans 14:12
Learn the word “no” and understand that there are people you must not see and places where you must not go.
See Jeremiah 5:22
It’s not how you start that matters, but how consistent you are in the implementation of your life-plan!
See Matthew 24:13